Industrial Research Center, On-Call Engineering Support

Industrial Research Center, On-Call Engineering Support

  • Designed HVAC and process utility systems associated with a spin-test facility that tested motors and gears under extreme conditions. A cooling system was designed to remove the high amounts of heat generated during the tests. 
  • Renovated several laboratory high-bay spaces to accommodate new equipment including gloveboxes, vacuum ovens, fume hoods, melt chambers, etc. The project included new canopy hoods, hot oil heating systems, compressed air systems with desiccant dryers, a steam flash tank for high-temperature water discharge, and scrubber systems.
  • Designed a system to bring highly compressed air to a combustion test rig. The design included a quench water system and pump capable of lowering the exhaust system temperature to acceptable levels prior to discharge. A roof-mounted silencer to reduce discharge noise was also included.
  • Designed a high-temperature chemical reactor utilizing hazardous fluids in a fully automated setting. The design included a new double-wall duct system and exhaust fan serving gas cabinets, a burn box, and a scrubber, as well as both primary and emergency cooling water systems installed to prevent any damage to the new reactor.
  • Designed a high-pressure liquid fuel system, including a storage tank, portable fuel skid, and a custom-designed manifold capable of sourcing four different types of fuel. The design included nitrogen and water purging capabilities.
  • Designed infrastructure to allow an array of open-air torches to simulate fatigue stress conditions. New oxygen and natural gas piping systems were extended into the space and controlled pneumatically, while mass flow controllers allowed the operator to adjust individual torch combustion ratios depending on the needs of the test.
  • Designed a new liquid nitrogen distribution system to serve multiple environmental chambers from an existing phase separator, using triaxial vacuum-jacketed flexible hose and a custom-designed manifold to reduce the need for conventional insulation.
  • Designed a CVD (chemical vapor deposition) coater system including the design of a new structure to support a new process.  HEA’s design included process gas, chilled water, process water, HVAC and exhaust, make-up air, steam, condensate pump skid, filtration, new electric service, equipment power and PLC/point-to-point controls.
  • Designed a new chemical laboratory that included a corrosive exhaust and make up air system, toxic gas monitoring, HVAC, process gases, new electric service, equipment power and PLC/point-to-point controls.

Industrial + Research


Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Plumbing Engineering

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