Colocation Data Center
For a number of years, HEA has provided “on-call” consulting and engineering services to a consortium of member companies providing...
HEA was hired to design multiple Point of Presence (PoP) data centers ranging from 1,000 sf to 3,000 sf in size along this client’s 2,200-mile network serving rural communities in the northeast. Working closely with the project architect, HEA produced designs that addressed the client’s needs for security, redundancy and cost-efficiency. Each center was designed to be scalable so that future racking and supporting M/E/P systems could be added. Value engineering was applied through each project to control costs without compromising designs.
In general, each site included:
HEA also provided equipment procurement, comprehensive bid phase assistance, and construction administration services for each project.
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Fire Protection Systems
Hesnor Engineering Associates provides mechanical, plumbing and electrical design services for businesses, private entities and governments across the Northeast United States.